This is a sneak peak at my next book, "Assisted Suicide: The End of One Brings Another". I actually thought about adding the Latin translation into the title, but Lord knows that people would be all confused, so I just added it in where I could. it is people! Your first look at the new book! Check back often for more information on a release date!
election of 2012 has now come and gone, and we have a winner. If you have no
idea who that is yet, even though he has been sworn in for months, you are
probably one of the reasons why Barack Obama was elected in the first place.
This book is not only for you but for those like you. But this time I had to
widen my base, so to speak. My past two books looked at how the left was
ruining America with the way they were handling the economy, their stance on
the wars, their social issue stances, and much more. While you may still get
some of that out of this, what you will also get is why the Republican Party,
the Republican voter, and the American people overall have lost a spine to do
anything that may cause them to argue or even disagree with someone else. We
are being too nice to each other, and it is about time someone stood up and
said it like it is: America is committing suicide!
out for a minute the re-election of Barack Obama, although it does work into
all of this in a large way. This is more about my own party, the party I
thought would be able to get up and get the American people together against
what we have seen for the past four years. That did not happen, of course, but
it was not necessarily Mitt Romney’s fault. Romney would have said anything to
be elected, as would any other person. The power is too much not to lie to get
it, and that is why politicians lie to the people constantly. They do not want
that job because they think they will be able to help you get a job, or even a
better one. They do what they do for the power.
after the election we see the President going back to his old bag of tricks.
This is the same bag that got us into trouble, mind you, but do not fret
because this time it will actually work out better. Even after winning the
House of Representatives again, the Republicans STILL roll over and play dead
as if they lost everything and the Democrats should be allowed to run all over
them. It was then and there I knew I had to go back to the drawing board, put
away some of the topics that I wanted to write about in this book, and start
all over. What I seen is the Republican Party giving up, and if they are truly
willing to give up then that means I need to give up on them…and so do YOU!
of you may be asking how I can say something like this. I have been a
registered Republican all my life and have spent probably half of it defending
the stupidity the party has offered to the people. In the past two plus years,
however, the party has become much worse than they ever were in the past. They
did not learn their lesson after losing in 2008, even though the message should
have hit them right on the head like a ton of bricks! Once that election was
over there should have been no argument about the type of person we needed to
run on the ticket and the type of person the party leadership needed to get
behind. For those of you who do not know, I will sidetrack all of what I was
saying to say that the party, no matter what party, always gets behind the
candidate they think will win, no matter who the people want to win. This
causes more money to go to that candidate and makes it much more difficult for
them to win.
back on point! The field was not what I would call loaded, that is for sure.
But that is no excuse for backing Mitt Romney as the party did, even while
everyone knew he was a moderate at best. He did nothing in the Southern states
during the primaries, getting beat almost every single time but candidate after
candidate trying to be that one person who might be able to do the impossible
and beat what the party heads thought was a sure win for their man. We will
look at the candidates in more detail later, but for now this is good enough.
It was then I knew, I felt it in my heart and my stomach, that Mitt Romney had
VERY LITTLE chance of beating Barack Obama.
yet I hit the blogs and all the websites that I could, trying to get support from
those who were on the fence. I talked to friends, friends of friends, and
everyone I could find trying to gauge where their vote would be landing and I
got a better feeling about it. I should have known better, however, because at
the end of the day what I thought would happen actually did happen, and any
kind of hope that I had left for a party that I have supported to the point of
making a fool of myself died that day as well. How could a normal thinking
person continue to support the Republican Party when they will not support the
people who they want to go to the polls and vote for them? I will not be that
guy any longer who stands the party line as if I have no other choice in the
of you may be asking if I am changing party affiliation or if I will continue
to work to change the party. We will get to that later, but for now just think
about the time, anytime, in your life where you have been let down by someone.
Think about a time when maybe your wife or even your girlfriend promised you
something and then did not come through for one reason or another. Think about
how bad that made you feel because you just did not expect that to happen. I
compare that to what I felt after the election, knowing that my party, the one
I stood up for and fought for, left me! I did not leave my party, the party
left me and I refuse to stand up and fight for individuals who will not fight
for themselves as well.
don’t know how many more books I will write or if I even want to write any
after this. Who knows, after four more years of this President we may not even
have the right to say what we think in book form anymore, so get it while you
can! This book is much more than just some views of a Conservative blogger and
author on the topics that you can hear the talking heads on talk radio discuss
every single day. This is much more and then some. We need to get to the heart
of the problem and if the people do not wake up from their sleep, America as we
know it will be gone within 20 years. We will be begging for soup, bread, and
clean water from a government who cannot even figure out how to spend less
money on things any of us in this nation will NEVER need. We count on the
government to give us a handout and one day, very soon, all we will get is the
shaft…so to speak!
Republic, like it or not, is going to experience some pains that I do not think
any of you out there are ready for. I will tell you about those pains in this
book, but I will not tell you what to do about it. All of you know what you
need to do, and you certainly do not need a 29 year old techy telling you how
to do it. It all comes down to opening your heart and your mind to something
new, and once that can happen, once you let that happen, change will come to
this nation much more quickly than ever before! The next generations of
“Republican” leaders need to read this, need to understand this, and need to
think about this. My generation is already falling for the ploy that the party
knows best, when that is not the case at all. Why would a party that wants to
do as I and many others say fall on the sword and not fight back? Why would
they give up when the fight is to save money and get back on good fiscal
ground? Why would they give in when the Left wants to take your guns, as they
have already started to do in states like New York. Why would they allow the
Left to pervert the Constitution to meet their needs if they were not just like
the Leftists themselves?
is time we demanded more, it is time we expected more, and it is time we SAW
more and if that cannot happen, if the party refuses to turn from their
moderate/Leftist mentality, the people of the party will find new leadership to
lead us into the next age. If we do nothing at all and allow the Left to frame
the argument the way they see fit, this nation and all freedom lovers are in a
world of trouble.
is assisted suicide! (Finis unius tristibus Alius)
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