Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ben Shapiro Schools Piers Morgan on 2nd Amendment, History of Guns in America

You would be correct if you said that I am taking this attack on our Second Amendment personally, because I am one of those people who believe ANYONE out there that believes they should have a gun for protection or any other means should have one. We do not have to explain ourselves to our government or anyone else for that matter, but people like Piers Morgan would believe otherwise. He seems to believe that anyone who would want an automatic or semi-automatic weapon wants to kill other people, and that is not the case. The majority of legal gun owners in this nation are law-abiding citizens that would never use any of their weapons unless it was a last resort. They use them for sport or even to go out to the range and make sure they keep up on practice. There is nothing wrong with this, yet we are being told there is.

Ben Shapiro, Editor-At-Large of was recently on Piers Morgan's show to debate the Second Amendment and gun control. Shapiro handled himself VERY well, much better than Alex Jones did and Morgan was not able to get Shapiro to jump up and down like a crazy person to make people think all those who believe we should have any gun we choose are crazy people who want to kill others.

Below is the video of that interview in its entirety. It is a great watch and even though Piers Morgan did act like a child in some cases during the interview, Shapiro did not fall for his games. At one point, he tries to lump Alex Jones together with Shapiro, and that did not go over well!

As you can tell, Morgan is not happy with the fact that he is being told the TRUE meaning of the Second Amendment. I frankly do not even think that Morgan has any idea why we have a Second Amendment and truly believes it is there so we can go hunting and have a hand gun for our homes.

What he misses is that the PURPOSE of the Second Amendment is not so that we can go out and kill some deer or bear, but to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government if and when we have to. We may NEVER have to, as Shapiro points out. We may have to in the next 50-100 years, no one really knows! BUT, and that is a BIG BUT, if the time ever came when the people had to stand up against a government that became abusive, the people have the right to abolish that government and set up a government for which it meets the needs of the people of that time. Piers Morgan has never read that "little book" or the Declaration of Independence either, or he would know why we have a Second Amendment. Remember, without the Colonists having arms and the will to fight, we may not even be the country we are today. History could have been much different than it is right now.

Yes, we keep guns to keep our families safe and to go out and hunt if we choose. What Morgan does not get, and is actually very abusive toward, is that weapons have other functions than just hunting. Shapiro brings up the nations during the 19th and 20th centuries that dealt with tyrannical dictatorships and the loss of human rights, yet Morgan does not seem to care! He seems to think ti is crazy to think our government, at ANY time, would become SO powerful that they would become tyrannical and push their people to fight back. He actually seems to laugh at the notion that it could ever happen, yet that is what happened to the colonists in this nation under the rule of the British.

People like Piers Morgan and others do not understand history. They have never been taught true American history, and in the case of Morgan, who is a transplant to this country, should have been made to learn this nation's history before he was allowed to become a citizen of this great nation. He should have been taught WHY we fought a revolution, why we have the Bill of Rights, and why the restriction of those rights lead to other restrictions of other rights. He should have been made to read the Founder's arguments for the Constitution and against it, about the War between the states and why it was important to this nation, and why we the people hold the power and not those we send to Congress.

He has never been educated on this, and this is one of the reasons why he does not know what he is talking about. If he knew what he was talking about he would not say half the things that he says, because he would then know that he was flat out wrong. The reason we have a Second Amendment is to protect us from the government, not from ourselves!

Our Declaration of Independence says very clearly and wonderfully, I might add: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." 

Just in case someone else comes around and reads this and does not understand it like those on the Left do not understand, this means that the people have the right to abolish their government as our Founder's did if they feel that it is destructive to the people. It goes on to say, and this is really important, that we do not just throw out a government for no reason at all. There should be great cause and thought that goes into it, and should be a last resort. People all through time are more accustomed to living with evil rather than fighting it, and we have seen that many times since this document was written.

So, no, it is not what I want or what many other people want. I do not want another war within the states. I do not want a war with my own government. I choose to fight with ideas and words until such time we can no longer do so. We must keep doing what we are doing now so we do not give up the fight the Founder's also fought...the war with their words. Remember, war was NOT the first choice and was not decided upon easily. There were many dealings with the crown where we gave them the chance to set our people free from the crown, and the people of the time took many beatings until they stood up to defend themselves.

The Second Amendment is there so we have that LAST RESORT. We are not there yet and we may never be, but when the people are ready to give up their guns because they are afraid of what might happen if they do not, the next Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Assad will be knocking on our door to treat our people the same way those innocent people were treated. If and when that would happen, would you want an automatic rifle to keep you safe or would you want a handgun with 5 bullets?

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea who that was directed to, but to save time, if was directed toward me, screw you!
