Monday, January 28, 2013

Mayor Bloomberg's Security Team Accosts Journalist For Asking If He Will Disarm His Security Team

Wow, is it not funny how Mayor Bloomberg and types like him who tell us we do not need to be armed to the teeth are armed to the teeth? Do they think we are so stupid as to not think that it is wrong to tell the people of America to give up their weapons when they will not do the same, or even go as far as to try and exclude themselves from the legislative process only to include all of us? Do they TRULY believe that journalists like this one in this video will not ask questions like this? The people are speaking and they say if you disarm us, you must also disarm yourself. Knowing that will never happen, it may be the best fight against the tyranny we are seeing today.

In a time where the Constitution is nothing more than a paper that individuals only want to follow if they like what it says, how can we take these individuals seriously? There members of the press, academia, and the political class that want to take away your right to bear arms but keep their right o bear arms because they believe that their protection is more important than yours. Obviously I have no problem with Bloomberg having a security detail to protect him while he walks the streets, there are a lot of nuts out there and he is a high-profile individual. However, he is in no position to tell me or you out there that we are not as important as he is when it comes right down to it. We are all human beings, created with the same rights and liberties as the next person no matter how much money we have in our pockets or in a bank account.

The reason Bloomberg could not answer the question is because he knows the answer, but if he answered it he would look like a fool. Do not expect his office to give an answer to this question because he feels he is more important than you are. He feels he is more important top this world than you, your children, or any of you family because of who he is. We are all human and have faults, and this man's fault is to go after good people who want to protect themselves. He and others like him only want the elite to be protected and have protection, while telling all of us that we have the police to protect us and that is good enough. I call BS on that, because we know it is better to protect yourself and your family rather than wait for the police. Those minutes could matter, and when you have the ability to defend yourself those minutes really do matter in the end.

The worst part of this is that his security team, armed to protect the Mayor, seems to not enjoy the questions that were asked and makes sure that the journalist does not get to ask any more by stopping him and asking for his ID. Technically he should have never even given up the ID, but only a press pass to show he is who he says he is, but he did what the officer asked and he was still questioned by the officer about his birth date. We are citizens of this nation and we have the right to confront government officials on the street when we feel we are not being treated fairly or the laws of the land are being broken. No security team or Mayor should have the right to do this to someone when they only want to ask a question, a question, mind you, that was never answered and just walked away from.

Here it is people, right here. This is what America is coming to! If you people on the Left do not see that they are playing games with us all and they are using you for a means to an end, you are BLIND!

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