Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chris Rock: Just Another Hollywood Tool

This is Chris Rock, someone many of you may know from the movies and television. He does comedy, and this video is one of his attempts at that comedy. He cannot be serious, can he?He stumbled all over himself as if he had no idea what to say, and to make things worse he says something that makes no sense at all! I will discuss his comments one at a time here because they are worth noting. This is how the Left feels about the President, but never felt the same way about President Bush. They fought him, called him a racist, and wanted to impeach him for no other reason than because he was a Bush, a Republican, and someone that did not agree with them.

First Chris Rock, a man of many words I suppose, says that the President is our boss. Well, Chris, no he is not. We elect the President to do the work of the nation as stipulated in the Constitution. He is not MY boss, your boss, and only the boss of those who work under him in the capacity of the job. WE THE PEOPLE are his boss, any President's boss, and to try and lesson that fact is only showing that Chris Rock does not know his ass from his elbow, so to speak. I do not do what the President tells me to do. I do not act how the President tells me to act. I do not believe the same things the man does. And never forget that, ladies and gentlemen. He is just a MAN. A man with flaws, a man, like every other man, who does not understand everything and does not speak for everyone.

Next, and probably the most important comment made by Rock was that President Obama and Michelle Obama are like our parents, and we should listen to what our parents tell us to do or it may hurt us later. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life, bar none. I have had idiots, zealots for their cause, and mind numbing crazies call my podcast for YEARS that have said some dumb things but this one takes the cake! The President, with all due respect to the office that he holds, is NOT my father and never will be. My father does not make it seem ok to mooch off the system when you are able to work. He does not make it seem like I can do anything that I want to do but then tell me there are things that I should do and what I want to do is not as important as what he wants me to do. The President is nowhere near the man my father is, with all due respect.

Sometimes I wonder if these Hollywood nuts think before they speak, and Chris Rock is an example of those who do not think before they open their mouths. I am an American who can think for himself and form an opinion that may not be the opinion of others. I do not need to be told that the President is my daddy and that what he says goes, because that is not the way it is. The people elected him and while they may have elected him for the wrong reasons, I have to deal with that like everyone else has to. But I will be damned if I sit by and be told that I must listen to him as if he was my father when my father is nothing like the man Barack Obama. I was taught to think for myself, form an opinion, and be a freedom loving American. I was told that I could do anything that I wanted to as long as the government stayed out of my way and allowed me to be me. I do not need the government there to pass me out a handout every time I am down on my luck, I need the government there to make sure everyone is playing by the rules so we all have a fair chance at the American dream. Sadly, many in my generation and after will never experience that American dream because we will be too busy paying back the debt these people, both Left and Right, have left for me and future generations to pay for.

Would your father leave you in debt up to your eyeballs? Would your father tell you that you should sacrifice YOUR happiness to make HIS life better? My father would never do that because my father lives by the motto that every generation should have it better than the one before. I have a warm house to live in, food on the table, and parents that have been there since the beginning. My father never had it that easy. My father never got the education that I have, never made as much as I did when I was working in my field, and most importantly never asked the government for anything when he was down on his luck. My father pushed me to be better, to do more, and to be something else other than a truck driver from Pittsburgh. By the age of 29 I have two published books, I got my degree, and had a job that was much better than I could have ever imagined. I lost that job, of course, but it was fun while it lasted and I work hard every single day to get back to that level so I can help my parents as they grow older. THAT is the job of a child and I never would have learned that if I had a father that told me it was fine to live off of other people.

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