Here is another sneak peak at the upcoming book, "Assisted Suicide: The End of One Brings Another" This is the last sneak peak that you will get before release, so share it around and come back often for updates on release.
The party left me, the
party left you, and the party left everyone who has, for many years and
decades, been fighting for what is right in America. We have not lost all hope
yet, but we are getting close when we elect men and women like we do today. The
Republican Party has been infiltrated by the Left and they have set up shop
right in our back yards. How can none of you out there be angry about this?
Through my blogging experiences and even while
podcasting, I have met many different kinds of people. I have met those on the
far left of the ideological spectrum, I have met those on the far right of the
ideological spectrum, and I have met those who could really care less. I have
met those who come in between all of those I have listed and I have met those
who wish the government would just fall into a hole so we could go back to a
time where we traded horse manure for a pound of apples. I have had the
pleasure to meet and speak with many different kinds of people, but those who
infuriate me the most are not the ones you may think.
There are many different kinds of people, but the fact of
the matter is that those on the Right, true Republicans who would never stray
from what their party has to say, are the ones that make me the angriest. I
come into contact with them all the time because they are like-minded people
and we tend to get along well, but when the talk starts about getting a new
party started or even sitting at home on election day to show our distaste for
the party, they are the first ones to tell me that we MUST go out and vote and
we MUST support the Republican Party. For those of you out there who want to
keep telling me this, I want you to keep some things in mind while you do:
1.The Republicans, while holding both the
House and the Senate during the Bush years and also while holding the House
during the Obama years, have yet to stand firm when it comes to taxes,
spending, or Constitutional authority of the President. Case in point, what we
just saw at the beginning of the year. We were told that there would be no new
taxes, and what do we get? New taxes!
2. 2. The Republican Party, the Party that is
supposed to stand for freedom and liberty in this land, allows an
Administration to get away with running guns to drug dealers and not protect
our Embassy’s around the world. The Administration gives faulty and sometimes
pathetic reasons why these events happened and the Republicans in the House
refuse to do anything but symbolic gestures that mean less than flipping the
bird to someone on the street. Why have these issues not been pushed and why
have we only been shown a dog and pony show?
3. During the primary season, we were given
the choice of Tweedle Dee (Newt Gingrich), Tweedle Dum (Mitt Romney), Social
Santorum, and the nutty old man (Ron Paul). The others in the race seem to hold
no significance to the populace of the Republican electorate at all, so there
is no need to bring them up. They were no better or no worse than those that I
listed…except for ONE! ONE man who did have ideas, did have a vision, and was
starting to gain steam until the Party left him. That man was Herman Cain. What
the Party did to him was beyond disgusting, yet we all stood by and let it
happen. We jumped on the bandwagon of a man who is no traditional Republican in
any sense of the word because Herman Cain MAY have had an affair that no one
could prove happened. The Republican Party sold him out and in the process sold
all of us out of a chance to have a new face in the Party.
think that is all? You think that is all this Party has done to the loyal Party
faithful over the years? They have taken advantage of us because they know that
they can, and all of us have stood by and allowed it to happen. Even today I
see people trying to be an apologist for the Party by sticking up for Mitt
Romney, a man that is no traditional Republican at all. How many more years,
how many more failures, and how much more in taxes are we going to have to go
through and spend before we get it through our heads that they Party has left
us in the cold to fend for ourselves as they set up a new Party?
new Republican Party is taking shape and it is not the Party that you grew up
with. We give up everything that we have stood for, and now we have Republicans
standing up wanting to give in on immigration, more taxes, more spending,
social issues, and the Second Amendment. We used to be the Party of freedom and
Liberty and all we have now are weak people who used to believe in it that have
become shills for those who they used to be against. You can tell yourselves
that I am wrong, that I have gone too far, but as far as I am concerned the
Party went too far when they sold their souls for some tax cut extensions that
turn out to raise the taxes of people anyway!
cannot allow a Party that was built on freedom for all and justice for everyone
to go over to the side that has already turned this nation into a shell of its
former self. We must stand together and fight for better candidates and when
those candidates are Karl Rove Republicans, we must stand against them and run
a third party candidate against both sides to show that this is no longer our
Party and we will not allow the Left or those who say they are Right to rule
the day any longer. We have a choice, and one of those choices is to not to
vote or not vote for the same person that someone in the GOP tells us to vote
for. Why do we continue to follow when we have the ability to lead on our own?
I might be a young guy, not ready for service to this nation via politics, but
frankly at least I would shoot straight with people and that is ONE thing the
Party no longer respects in a candidate or an individual. If they have no
respect for that then how can we have respect for them?
am a strategist first and foremost, that is always how I have thought and will
continue to think when it comes to not only fixing this Party but the nation as
a whole. I used to look up to men like Karl Rove because, let’s face it, he was
the architect of the Bush years. He made the impossible happen, and he did it
because he is one of the best and brightest minds when it comes to American
elections and the electorate that go out to the polls. But ever since Rove
decided to fight a war against not only the Tea Party but those who support
changing the Party to something better, I have lost ALL respect for the man and
consider him no more Republican than Harry Reid. He left the Party, he left
people like you and I and I will be damned if I would ever look in his
direction if he walked right next to me down the streets of D.C.
could write a whole book of just complaining, but that would do no good. What
we need are solutions, and solutions that do not seem like someone thought them
up when they were at the bar all night with their friends right before a
bachelor party. We need real solutions, real leaders, and real problem solvers
in this nation or nothing will ever be fixed. The Party needs the same thing, but
has not had that for a very long time now. We have to cut this Party off like
we would a child addicted to crack, and make sure that we let the Party know we
love it, we respect it, but in no way do we condone the behavior that they are
currently expressing.
do we do that, you may ask? How do we get the Party back on its feet when it
has been decades since it has really shown any life? That is what this book is
about, to keep it simple, so we will not get to everything in this one chapter
but we do need to understand that it does start with you and I. If we believe
the Democratic Party is too far gone and that there is no way a third-party
candidate could ever win on the national stage, then we need to start from the
beginning. If we have a huge problem with our Party we need to then go and
replace the people who are now running it. You may be asking how we could get
such a thing done, and if it was that easy then why have we not done it yet? It
is not easy and we have not done it yet because it is not easy. We have to step
out from our comfort zone and we have to some things that we may not like. We
have to run for office ourselves, in many cases, no matter if we think we can
win or lose. We have to talk to people in the neighborhood to get them behind
us even though many of our neighbors may think we are crazy for doing what we
are doing.
I said, this is not going to be easy but it does need to be done if you, out
there reading this, think the party can be saved. The time of sitting there and
hoping someone will come along and save the party is over. That person has to
be you, me, and everyone else who believes that this party is taking the nation
right down the tubes. Today, the Right and the Left do not look much different,
but if we work hard and give of ourselves then MAYBE, just maybe, in 20-30
years not only the party will look better but maybe even the outlook of the
nation as a whole as well. We will never know if we do not try, and if we do
not try then what is the point? What is the point of me writing this book,
doing the podcast, arguing policy, or anything else we choose to do to try and
make this country better if we do not try what is more difficult to do?
of you out there may have already run for office and lost, but that does not
mean you should give up and not try again. Some of you out there may think it
is too difficult and believe you do not have enough money to run, but that is
no excuse as well. You do not have to run for President, but city council, county
council, or even mayor could help out more than you think. These might seem
like small jobs to you but if there is ever a problem in this nation and we
have to fend for ourselves I want to know my community will be protected and
that can only happen with the right people at the head table. NEVER tell
yourselves that you cannot do it, because that word must be thrown out of your
vocabulary if you want to bring this nation back to the glory it once had.
must stand together, and that is the most important part of all of this. You
will read about policy and social issues in this book, but at the end of the
day if we do not stand together than we might as well give up the fight right,
now, go home, and play board game while the nation crumbles around us. This
movement does not need those who come up with excuses, people who lay blame on
those who they should be supporting, and people who have no interest in a
nation of freedom loving people living side-by-side where we can disagree but
must always promise to defend one another when it comes time to do so.
we can stand together than we have a chance, we have hope, and we have a
future. We may fail, and I am not saying that may not happen, but that does not
mean we do not try. There are many terrible things going on in this country today,
and in this book you will read about some of them. Many of them I could not get
to, but Lord willing, the next time maybe I will!
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