Thursday, February 14, 2013

CNN Panelists Cheer and Sympathize With Cop Killer, Murderer Dorner

CNN Panelists Compare Christopher Dorner to ‘Real-Life Superhero,’ Say His Actions Were Like a ‘Denzel Washington Movie’

We have all seen over the past week Facebook pages and websites go up all over the place to cheer on the all-out hell that was being perpetrated by a man who thought he was wronged when fired from his job at the LAPD. There are so many questions here, especially about Dorner, but more importantly right now (since he has since burned up into a chard version of his former self) about the people not only out there in this country that have supported him through his rampage but also the media and the far-left wing fringe that likes nothing better than bringing the fight to the police. If you click the link I have put at the top of this piece, you will see a video that shows you a panel on CNN discussing this murder spree, and two panelists in general seem to have no problem at all making excuses for this man. They say what he did was wrong, but they understand why he would do such a thing.

How could you understand why a person would go out and kill a young lady and her fiancee, when they had nothing at all to do with his argument in the first place? How can you understand the taking of a police officers life when they had nothing to do with him being fired in the first place. It is not like these officers were at fault, they were just there to try and take this madman down and they died at his hand. If you are one of the people that say you understand this man, I would like to know what you would do if you believe YOU were wronged by someone! Would you go out killing their family members, regular citizens, and the police? Would you take people hostage, tie them up, and scare them half to death? If you think you would, I would like to see you locked for a period of time until you can work out those feelings, because no matter what CNN or anyone else might tell you, they are not NORMAL!

Just think about all the life that was put in danger because of Dorner and his actions, and then think about those who are cheering him on as if he is doing something good for society. He did nothing good for society, except burn in that building and save the taxpayer a heck of a lot of money in the process since they now do not have to try him for his crimes. What about the families who lost a father, a brother, a husband, or a friend. How about those who lost a daughter, a niece, a nephew, or a sister? Those who lost someone do not understand why this happened and may never understand it. For someone to go on TV and say they understand why he would do this and then say he does not approve of it makes me very sick to my stomach. You have to be one of the sickest human beings that have ever walked the Earth to sympathize with this man and what he did.

This was also NOT a movie! It was not Mel Gibson or some other Hollywood idiot running around a set. This was REAL. REAL people died! REAL families have had their hearts broken and will take years to heal, if they can heal at all! To compare this to a movie, where NO ONE dies, only lessons the fact that this man was a crazy person and out for his own kind of revenge while thumbing his nose at not only authority but all social norms in the process.

Now, to the most interesting part of all of this. Do you know what I have heard VERY little about from the Left in this whole process? I have heard very little about gun control, which is what they are usually pushing when something like this happens. Now that they agree with what the man did and 'understand' him, there is nothing about the guns the man used to commit these crimes. Usually we would hear nightly reports about this, but not this time, because, deep down, they truly believe that Dorner did the right thing. They will not say it that way because they know how it will sound, so they will beat around the bush as they have been doing. But we all know what they mean when they say they 'understand' why Dorner did what he did. As a society we should SHUN people like this, not make them think they are normal elements in an otherwise messed up society. All these commentators and Facebook groups have done is make others think this kind of reaction is justified if you feel wronged by "the man".

It is about time we started a conversation about how we treat each other. In my upcoming book I dedicate a whole chapter to it, and while my one little chapter in my one little book may not make much of a difference, we need to start somewhere. If we keep telling these kind of people they are right in what they do, there is no end to this. There is no end to the anarchy that men and women like this can perpetrate on society.

If you think that is understandable, if you believe in your heart Dorner did the right thing and had a reason to do the right thing, you are no more sane or right to be a part of normal society than he was!

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