Monday, February 4, 2013
Ted Nugent Owns Piers Morgan: 'Would you leave us the hell alone?'
In another display of stupidity by Piers Morgan, a man who decided to go to a gun range in Texas on Monday and shoot some guns and have a conversation with Ted Nugent, Morgan showed his true colors as a man who does not yet understand what America is all about. We in America do not change because some mad men do bad things to people who do not deserve it. Should we have banned all travel by airplane after 9/11 because there is always a risk of a plane being hijacked? I doubt many people would say we should have banned all air travel forever because of that, so why would be ban guns that have less to do with murder in this nation than a hammer does?
At the bottom of this blog you will see the video of the interview that Morgan did with Nugent on Monday, and I have to say that Nugent handled himself well and got out the points that needed to be made. He did not act like Alex Jones or get up and start screaming at Morgan. He made his points and Morgan, who rarely ever has a comeback to facts, kept to his usual self while trying to demonize Nugent and all other law-abiding Americans who own guns that he does not believe they should own.
Morgan, as of yet, has never really told the American people why he takes up a cause like this with assault weapons when handguns are the cause of much more of the murder and suicide in this country. He has yet to explain his rationale and after numerous attempts from myself that continues to this day on Twitter to get him to answer the question, he refuses to. That does not surprise me because, frankly, who am I and why would he care what a guy like me has to say. But I am American, I believe in a Second Amendment right that is not violated by those who do not begin to even understand it, and I am one of many who continues and will continue in the war of ideas to make sure that people like Morgan do not shape this conversation out to be something that it never should be in the first place.
After all of the times I have written about this and how many times that we have all discussed this, you would think that the American people would get it and not fall for the trap that they are falling for. This has nothing to do with murder or death of those who are innocent. If you believe Piers Morgan and others are on a crusade to end murder then you are more crazy than Alex Jones is. This has nothing to do with keeping children safe, keeping the populace as a whole safe, or lowering the murder rate. If it were, we would not be discussing bans on so-called "assault weapons" but bans on all firearms. This is not the conversation, although I would have more respect for those who believe it and will actually say it than those like Morgan who dance around it like a school kid doing the moon walk in a high school auditorium. This is about the incremental changes that those on the Left and some on the Right are willing to make to make you believe you are safer even though no gun laws will ever make anyone anywhere safer than they are right at this moment.
If you want to be safe on your person you should learn how to fire a gun and carry one with you. You should learn how to protect yourself and not get into situations where you may end up in danger. We should teach our children that guns are not bad or evil, but can cause harm to those we love or the innocent if not given the proper respect that they deserve. But most importantly we should not be afraid to call the police or talk to someone in authority when we suspect that there is someone that we know that may not be mentally stable and could have the idea of hurting others for no other reason than because they are cowards. No matter what shooting it is we hear people say that they had an idea that he or she might do this or that, but never brought it up to anyone. Why is it that these people, that after the fact say they are not surprised, did not say anything to anyone before it happened? If you believe that someone you know or have come into contact with may be a danger, you should tell someone. Maybe the person just needs someone to talk to or they need that one person to tell them to get help. No matter what they may need we know for a FACT that not saying anything at all has led to the deaths of innocent people and that telling someone in those cases could have hurt nothing at all. I am not saying it would have saved a life, but we will never know.
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