Sunday, January 27, 2013

So Wait, YOU Can Have An "Assault" Weapon, But I Can't?

When you tell someone that you are only out to help the children, you want to make the streets safer, and then you exempt yourself from what the law that you want to pass would do, then you are no longer trying to help anyone but yourself. This is the case with many Democrats these days as they try to get their friends in Congress to pass the most intrusive gun bans that America has ever seen. Those on the Left and in the media have called us all crazy when we have said that when the government gets to keep the weapons they want others to give up, tyranny is not far off. They still laugh at us but this move only goes to show that we are not just correct, we have been correct all along and any kind of talking point from the Left is meaningless because they have shown themselves for what they really are.

Am I going to call the Obama Administration the Fourth Reich or go off on an Alex Jones-like tirade about 9/11 and Sandy Hook? No, probably not! But the fact of the matter is we the people better start to get mad and better start to listen up to those out there who want to wake us up or time may run out before we can wake the people up. How hard is it to tell your Congressman or woman that you do not agree with this legislation and if it does happen to pass (which I do not believe it will) that you will not obey the law and register. We all need to do this! We all need to call their offices this week and tell them that they can pass what they will but we will not comply, even if that means going to jail!

The Constitution is not a document that was meant to be broken down and interpreted for different occasions and have different meanings based on those different occasions. The Second Amendment is there not because we all like to hunt but so we can protect ourselves from a government that COULD one day try to take more power from the people without asking nicely! The politicians do not want you to know this, and they would have liked it if you would never read on your own and just remember the BS history they teach you in schools. They want to give you the history of this nation and almost never talk about why there is a Second Amendment. I would love to see the President answer a questions about why we have a Second Amendment and why it is important we keep it. I do not think he could honestly answer it, and if he tried he would make it political. These rights are not made to be played with!

I was at a BTR show the other day, in the chat room minding my own business as usual, when I saw a conversation going on about just this topic. There was a person in this room that seemed to believe that it did not matter what the government did or what law they passed, the people would give up their guns and never fight back. This individual also thought that if those people did try to fight back the military would fire at them and there would be n way of winning so we need to basically give up, or at least that is what I took from it. If you cannot do anything and refuse to do anything, that is giving up no matter how you slice it up!

This is the problem with some Americans, they are not willing to fight for their freedoms. We still have a chance to win this battle and make sure none of this happens, but it is up to you. This battle at this time will not be won with a gun, but won with our voices. If and when the time comes the government comes to our door to take our guns I will be right next to you defending our rights, but until then we still have a chance to make sure that does not happen. Compare me to those during the Revolution who wanted to exhaust every last effort before fighting England if you must, but this is not a time to be talking about fighting our own government. This is a time of telling our friends and neighbors that we CAN win this battle out there in the war of ideas if we just try a little harder and make a few phone calls. Remember just a few years ago when  Congress tried to pass immigration reform and the people called for days to make sure that did not happen. After a few days the legislation was scrapped and nothing was done. We can do that again, but if we give up we are giving up the right that protects all other rights inn the Bill of Rights and elsewhere. The Second Amendment gives the people the right to protect themselves in numerous different ways and it does not say that Congress should change the rules in the middle of the game for their enjoyment.

If we are not allowed to have these types of weapons, no one should be allowed to have these types of weapons. So, when you call your Congressman or woman and your Senators, make sure to tell them that if they DO support this legislation that you ask them to bring up an amendment that would strip the ability of ANYONE in this country from having these weapons, not just we the people! NO ONE should have them if we cannot have them. And if that does not sound good to them, tell them that next election you will make sure to work your butt off to have them voted out! This is not a time to play games, Left or Right. NO to new gun bans!!! NO to national registries!! NO to more government intrusion into our lives and into the ways we protect ourselves and our families!!! WE WANT TO BE FREE!!! Take you gun bans and shove them, because we KNOW that gun bans do not work.

But we do know what nations have done to their people who have not been able to defend themselves, and making sure people can protect themselves from that is FAR more important!

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