Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This Is All About Control, Nothing About Guns!

Do you now how I know this? Do you know how I know this has nothing to do with keeping people safe, changing the society and their feelings about how we treat each other, or helping those in need? Because, the legislation that is about to become law in New York does NOTHING to really go after the criminal element that will abuse the law no matter what it is, but it does a lot to make sure the everyday citizen gets refused the type of ammo and gun they would like to have! If you think this is about keeping your little one safe, you are so wrong!

What we have here is a week of gun control fanatics hitting the airwaves and the state house's (including the White House) telling the people we need a change when the people know deep down these changes do nothing. Let's go through the list of changes that NY will be seeing following their new legislation.

  • Magazine size limited from 10 to 7 rounds per clip
  • Addition to the NY Assault Weapons Ban that would allow those who own them to keep them, but makes these weapons and others like it non-transferable to family. 
  • Updated definition of "assault weapon" to include semi-auto handguns and shotguns. Presumably, these types of guns would also be "grandfathered" out as well, just like the AR-15 and other types of rifles. 
  • Adds additional mental health requirements to physicians that would require them to alert the state if the physician would believe, rightly or wrongly, that the person may be a threat to themselves or others. There are safeguards for physicians if they do not turn someone in they feel will not hurt someone and then does hurt someone, but you would have to read the legislation to actually get the full understanding of the mental health code. 
I want to take a look at the mental health issue here for a second, because NY played lip service to this problem and did not really go after the real issue which is getting these people the help they need so these types of situations do not happen. All they did was add more of a penalty for those in the medical field that do not turn in someone if they feel they could be a threat, but even to that extent there are ways for the doctor to get around any kind of wrongdoing that the state may think they were guilty of. This legislation does nothing to help those who need it or help the families of those people who may need help get their family member the help they need more easily. Under this legislation, a person who may not be under a doctors care would still have to admit themselves voluntarily, and if they did not want to and the state did not think there was anything wrong with the person the family would be out of options.

Tomorrow the White House will announce new and sweeping changes to laws, some of which the President will make on his own. Listen people, there is a lot the President can do without breaking the law to make it more difficult for you to get guns and ammo. He may bring down NO E.O. on magazines or gun purchases, but if he were to tell the EPA to do studies and look into the environmental issues that the magazines bring, this could raise the cost of your ammo and your guns to levels you have never seen before. He does not have to do much to make it more difficult for the everyday American to go out and buy a gun.

Also, remember the President has buddies on the Right in the House. He got what he wanted out of taxes just a couple weeks ago, and he hopes he will get what he wants out of guns this time. He will never get an all-out assault weapons ban, there is no way Republicans could ever vote for that and keep their jobs, but a national database of gun owners is not out of the question. This would force anyone, no matter what kind of gun you have, to be fingerprinted and put in a database of people who own weapons in America. Not only would this be a Constitutional issue, but many Americans would never comply with this type of law. Washington has to remember that those people in the back alley selling guns out of their trunk will not be asking for fingerprints and not be telling the buyer that they cannot sell them a ten-round magazine! This will, without a doubt, open a bigger market for the gun trade all over the nation.

The people of New York need to stand up and call for the resignations of all those in their state legislature that voted for this legislation. They are limiting the rights of the law-abiding citizen so they can hinder the criminals that never listen to what the law is in the first place. All this does is hurt the everyday man or woman wanting to protect themselves, but these politicians could care less. Other nations are looking at us right now and laughing, knowing that one day soon any kind of fear that nation had of the citizens of the United States will be gone because our own government made it happen. Do not be fooled, people, there are still nations out there that would like nothing better than to land a half a million troops on the Atlantic coast and take half this nation for their own. Nations that we fought during WW2 would have never even thought about it, because the people were too well armed, but in the next decade that may not be the case.

I am not trying to scare you or even bring up the out in left field ideas that some may think about, but you never know what will happen. We have the right to bear arms not so we can hunt but so we can protect ourselves from outside enemies when our government is not able to and to protect us from the government we call our own. Individuals like Piers Morgan and others on the tube do not understand this. They think we should only have guns for hunting because the government or other governments would never try to hurt the people of America! Why would they do that for?

Why did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Assad, and others harm their and other occupied people? Because they COULD!!

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